COVID-19 Rules and Regulations

Everyone must wear a face covering at all times, except inside the court during an active session.  Maintain 6 feet of physical distance.  Everyone entering the tennis area should wash hands (at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water) prior to arriving at the court, bring your own hand sanitizer and wipes.


No spectators or waiting athletes congregating in the court area, athletes should arrive no more than five minutes prior to the scheduled lesson and should leave promptly at the end of their lesson.

Group coaching will be limited to small groups (four or less), athletes will be positioned at well-spaced situations.  Coaches will pick-up the balls.  Players may use racquets and feet to push balls to a corner and use ball tubes for the balls.  All tennis equipment (hoppers, baskets, etc.) will only be touched by the coach.  These items will be cleaned and sanitized frequently.  All athletes must bring their own racquet.

Let us know immediately if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or exposed to someone who is infected with the virus.  Please do not come to a tennis activity if you do not feel well or if you know that you have been exposed to someone who has COVID-19.  Please kindly contact us if you are unsure whether to attend.

Please bring your own bottled water and sunscreen.